This is my first season watching ‘The Bachelor’, and it’s safe to say that I have been hooked since the 1st episode. The drama is awesome, the competitiveness is unparalleled, and Pete is not a douche like I had imagined a bachelor would be. It is very clear that the producers have a large say in the direction of the show, and I understand that without them, it probably would not be half as good. HOWEVER, Sarah C. was on the show for 3 episodes and did not say 1 word!! She maybe got 1 minute of combined screen time!
Ever since the first episode I’ve been confused why some girls have hung around and others have gotten the boot. My theory is, there are 3-5 girls that Pete can actually see himself with. These 3-5 girls will make it all the way to the end. The other 25 girls are voted off by producers based on the amount of drama/entertainment they bring to the show.
Case and Point, Sarah C.

Am I going off looks completely? Yes, and I have to because WE NEVER GOT TO KNOW HER. Maybe off screen she was a huge bitch, maybe she told Pete to go fuck himself, maybe she smells, idk?
But realistically, she was a quiet kind girl who didn’t add to much to the show other than her looks. I also truly feel Pete generally liked her because with that lack of screen time I figured she’d be gone ep. 1.
Anyway, we are 3 episodes in, and I’m really enjoying the show so far. It’s just SO obvious that Pete doesn’t really start making decisions until the end. Here’s some evidence of women that were voted off then IMO are just flat out in a different league then some of the other girls left.

But yeah Kelsey starts fights over champagne, Shiann cries about almost everything, and Tammy is super outgoing!!!
Fuck this show, can’t get enough, but fuck it. YOU DESERVED BETTER SARAH COFFIN!
My personal top 5 based on who I want to win, NOT who I think will win:
- Madison
- Kelley
- Hannah Ann
- Victoria P
- Victoria F