


~This post contains spoilers~

‘Don’t F**k With Cats’ was one of the wildest things I’ve seen in a while, and I just watched former Bachelorette Hannah Brown tell a story about how she fucked current Bachelor, Peter, four times in a windmill in front of a group of girls he’s currently “dating”. And honestly, I’m really not the biggest fan of these types of documentaries, mostly because they just bum me out more than anything. But with the immense hype surrounding DFWC, plus it being all over Twitter, I had to check it out.

Overall it was fantastic, and I was surprised that throughout watching the entire documentary, none of it sounded familiar. This all took place in 2012, which wasn’t too long ago…and for how big of a deal it was at the time, I though it would’ve rung some bells. Oh well.

If you’re reading this I’m assuming you watched the documentary, so there’s really no need to dive into the nitty gritty details. I just have one concern that I want to address. How did they just gloss over the fact that there was clearly a third hand in one of the cat killing videos??

Photo via TMZ

Of course we can’t forget that the third hand defense was Luka Magnotta’s crazy mother’s rationale for thinking “Manny” was there as well. We learn that Manny is 99.9% not a real person, but it’s hard to just forget that there is definitely another hand in this video. I’ve re-watched the scene about fifteen times now and I’ve concluded that there has to be another person with Luka in this video. You can’t convince me otherwise. There are clearly two hands petting the cat, meaning someone else has to be holding the camera/petting the cat with the stray third hand.

The way the documentary set up this scene made me think they were going to eventually find the other person in the video, but it was never mentioned again. Maybe it wasn’t taken as seriously because this unidentified person wasn’t there when Magnotta killed Jun Lin, but there is no denying that there’s still a sick fuck on the loose. This person willingly associated with Luka Magnotta and tortured (then murdered) a helpless cat. I just hope this person doesn’t graduate onto killing humans like Luka did.

All in all, I will never be able to look at the internet the same after watching this documentary. I think most people are aware of maybe 1% of the internet’s potential, and ‘Don’t F**k With Cats’ showed me how expansive it is. Being that I mostly just stick to websites that address sports, news, and entertainment, it’s easy to forget that there is an underbelly of the internet that has a plethora of disgusting and violent content. Ever heard of the dark web??

I think I’ll continue to stick to cat videos that are more like these from now on: