
Jason Garrett is on Borrowed Time

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If Jerry Jones has any self respect, Jason Garrett should have just coached his last game for the Dallas Cowboys. After Jones finishes his now tainted Thanksgiving meal, thanks to a demoralizing home loss to the Bills; he should give his pal Jason a call.

Although Dallas is now 6-6, (Not the worst record I’ve seen) Garrett has yet to coach this very talented football team to any meaningful wins. They should be cruising in one of the weakest divisions in football, however, week after week they have been an embarrassment on national television.

America’s team needs new blood, a team with this good of a roster should be at the top of the league. But with Garrett at the helm, his ship is sinking and fast.

Garrett has been able to fly under the radar for sometime now, but now in the face of adversity, his true colors have become apparent.

In this new, statistical overhaul of the sports world, Garrett lacks the ability to adapt. He publicly admitted that he does not use statistical analysis in-game to make decisions, and clearly it shows. The Ravens on the other hand, make it a point to utilize statistical analysis in-game to alter both game-plan and decision making. Lamar Jackson, while absolutely electric, isn’t the only reason this team has punted twice in the last 3 games.

Jerry if you’re reading, it’s not too late! Garrett needs to go, this is new school football, and you need a numbers guy. Otherwise, this team will continue to underperform, and lose their grasp on the NFC East.

As much as I’m all for old school smash mouth football, in order to succeed in this league, you need to take advantage of these nuanced numbers guys, regardless whether or not they have ever coached or played. They might not be able to throw a spiral, or even catch a football, but damn these nerds know their shit.


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