
‘Better Call Saul’ Season 5 Episode 9 – Kim Wears the Pants in This Marriage

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We always knew that Kim wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and never shied away from confrontation, but until last night that was only to guys with receding hairlines in suits. But in the penultimate episode of season 5, which aired last night, Kim revealed that she has the biggest set of balls west of the Mississippi.

The whole time Saul and Mike were walking the the desert last week (episode 8) I totally forgot that Lalo wasn’t supposed to know what happened. If he knew that Mike had saved Jimmy, he’d know that someone in the Salamanca crew was giving intel to Gustavo Fring (Nacho Varga). So, when it came to Saul’s story, it had to be airtight. He told everyone that his car broke down six or seven miles from the pickup location and he had to walk back to the main road through the desert, which required him to spend a night sleeping out there as well. However, Lalo takes the same road that Saul did to pick up the money (coincidence??) to meet his cousins so that he can leave the country, and he discovers Saul’s car in a ravine littered with bullet holes. Instead of continuing with his travel’s abroad, Lalo tells Nacho to drive him back to Albuquerque.

*Knock knock knock*

For two people that have literally zero friends or social life, a knock on the door of their condo only means one thing: trouble.

*Saul opening the door to see Lalo Salamanca*: (in his head) “FUUUUCK”

Saul offers his guest something to drink, as any good host would, but Lalo isn’t there to socialize…he wants to know why the hell Saul’s Suzuki Esteem was in a ditch looking like it had just stormed the beaches of Normandy. According to Saul, it had just broken down, so why would it be all shot up and hidden? After Lalo makes Saul tell him the story of his trek through the desert with $7 million in cash three times, Kim has had enough.

Don’t forget that earlier that day, Kim discovered Saul’s “World’s Best Lawyer” cup, which had several bullet holes in it. She knew that Saul was lying about what really happened out there, but she’ll be damned to let some narco discover the truth!

Don’t forget that Mike has a sniper aimed at Lalo from a roof across the street this entire time in case he tries to kill Saul and/or Kim. 

In what was one of the most badass scenes of the series to far, Kim basically tells Lalo to fuck off if he doesn’t believe Saul’s story, because he is telling the truth! The part that really sold the story was when she said that in New Mexico you can’t even leave a can out without someone shooting at it, so how can you expect people to leave a car alone?? And that my friends, is a QUEEN. Had Saul or Kim wavered from his story for even one moment, Lalo would’ve known that they were full of shit. But, they stuck to their guns (no pun intended) and Lalo totally bought it. He then left their condo with absolutely no rebuttal and headed back to Nacho, who had been waiting in his car outside the whole time.

After quitting her job earlier in the episode, I was on the fence about Kim. I thought she was starting to lose it a little bit. However, after almost single-handedly sending one of the most dangerous men in the cartel packing, I will back her decisions till the end. Since she wasn’t in Breaking Bad, it’ll be really interesting to see what Kim Wexler’s future holds, because as of now, she and Saul seem unstoppable.

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