I think the Rams have a great logo, but since they’re moving into a new stadium next season I can appreciate that they want a “fresh start”. It would symbolize the birth of a new era for the Los Angeles Rams, leaving behind any connection to their St. Louis days. But then out of nowhere we get hit with this leaked photo of the new logo on a hat:
What an absolutely terrible logo that is. At first glance I honestly thought it was an old Chargers logo from the late 90’s that got lost in the depths of history. The fact that this thing made it anywhere past the brainstorming session is unbelievable. I took one art class in high school and I am 100% confident that I could create a better logo than that blindfolded. Just give me some crayons and I’m good to go. The team has not confirmed whether or not the leaked photo is legit, but after the backlash from Rams fans over the leaked picture, they’re probably scrambling to design a new one. Very reminiscent of the whole Sonic the Hedgehog controversy, where Sonic’s animation in the trailer was roasted so much online that it forced the studio to redesign his look completely. I hope the same happens with the Rams because there’s no way anyone’s buying team merch with that hideous logo on it. And could you even imagine the field?
Since everyone has an opinion on where Tom Brady is going to land, I might as well throw my two cents in. In a perfect world, Tom Brady would be on his way to becoming a Los Angeles Ram. However, there are a lot of things that hinder this possibility, but mostly it’s Jared Goff. Goff just signed a four-year $137 million contract last year, so being that they have so much money invested in him, they aren’t looking for another QB.
However, this is Tom Brady we’re talking about. Only two years removed from an MVP award and coming off a 2019 season in which he had no offensive weapons and still led the Patriots to a 12-4 record. If Brady is looking for a team that he can win now with, the Rams would be the perfect destination. A young, offensive-minded head coach in Sean McVay, offensive weapons up the ass, and a shiny new stadium is waiting for him in Los Angeles; not to mention they’re the big brother in the City of Angels (sorry Chargers).
The Rams are only a year removed from a Super Bowl appearance (where they lost to the Patriots) and with the addition of Brandon Staley as their new defensive coordinator, they’re looking to bounce back after a disappointing 2019. And sadly, Goff was one of the main reasons they were bad last year. The two-time Pro Bowler shined at times but overall did not live up to the contract the Rams gave him. And I hate saying that because I really do love the guy…as a person. He threw for 22 touchdowns and had a whopping 16 interceptions (not a great ratio), despite still throwing for the third-most yards in the league last year. He was also historically terrible in the Super Bowl with a team that had arguably the best offense in the league in 2018.
I really want it to work with Goff, being that the Rams have been lacking a franchise QB for quite some time, but if last season is any indication, he might not be the guy. And that’s where I think the Rams need to consider a trade to allow themselves to land Brady. With Goff’s contract structured the way it is, trading Goff would free up an additional $16 million in cap space, allowing them to go after Brady more aggressively in a free agency setting.
I know Brady isn’t likely to sign with the Rams, being that they aren’t even one of the teams that has been noted as interested in him, but I’m just trying to make the point that it’s not out of the realm of possibility if the Rams were to consider it. The Rams also just hired Kevin O’Connell (a former quarterback drafted by the Patriots in the prime of Brady’s career – 2008 – so he was destined to fail from the start) to be their Offensive Coordinator. Considering Brady’s other options besides New England (Raiders, Chargers, Titans, Colts), the Rams are by far the best option if winning now is as important to him as we think it is. It’s really just Goff’s contract standing in the way.
I do want to apologize to my guy JG for dragging him a little bit there in the third paragraph, but I was just spitting facts. Since the Rams look to be dedicated to Goff for the next few seasons I will admit that I have verified from an inside source that he has been spotted working out (throwing to receivers) “almost every day” the past couple weeks – a whole five months before training camp even starts. I’m hoping this means he’s determined to make last year simply a learning experience, and he’s determined to correct whatever was wrong. Sometimes when athletes sign a big contract they overcompensate to try and live up to it, but Goff needs to just remember he has all the tools to be an elite quarterback. He wasn’t taken first overall for nothing.
Yesterday, ESPN’s Adam Schefter wrote an article saying that the NFL is considering making changes to their preseason, regular season, and postseason schedules. The changes would reduce the preseason to three games, extend the regular season to 17 games, add another team in each league to the playoffs, and eliminate the first-round bye for the no. 2 seeds. Apparently since the NBA (new All-Star game format) and MLB (new postseason format) have made changes to their seasons, the NFL thought they would join in on the fun, so they don’t feel left out. I think I could’ve taken one, maybe two changes across the four major American sports leagues…but THREE?? There just isn’t enough space in my ol’ noggin to wrap my head around another revised season format. Is this a good idea? Let’s discuss.
I am in favor of a longer NFL season
And the players should be too. What I didn’t mention in the first paragraph, but is in Schefter’s article, is that the players will benefit significantly from a monetary standpoint if the season is lengthened.
As part of the deal now on the table, players would go from a 47% revenue share under the current deal to 48% share at 16 games, and then to a 48.5% share if they go to 17 games, shifting $5 billion of revenue to the players’ side.
This 1.5% increase in revenue share doesn’t seem like much to the naked eye, but considering how wealthy the NFL is, that’s how it translates into an extra $5 billion to the players…or 3.7% of Jeff Bezos’ net worth.
Now that the players are on board, this shouldn’t be an issue for fans. More football is always better than less football (at least during the regular season). Case closed.
Is another Wild Card team what we need?
(Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)
If this system were in play for the 2019-2020 NFL season, the Rams and Steelers would have made the playoffs. That’s right. The 9-7 Rams and the 8-8, Duck Hodges-led Steelers would have been the no. 7 seeds last year. That just doesn’t seem right. There’s already such a significant gap in talent between the no. 1 and no. 6 seeds, that adding an even worse team into the mix would be embarrassing.
Additionally, another playoff team means that only one team would get a bye (odd numbers!). So, as if the no. 1 seed didn’t already have a huge advantage, now they’ll be the only well-rested team in their conference’s championship, plus they’ll have home-field advantage! Not that it’ll be given to them, but it makes the road to the Big Game a whole hell of a lot easier.
Thank God they’re shortening the Preseason
(Getty Images)
The preseason is mostly used as a way to try out players that are clamoring for those last few roster spots. The starters barely play because a preseason game is not worth them getting hurt over, which several teams can agree with. Plus people have been calling for the preseason to be shortened for a while now, so everyone’s happy this has finally come to fruition.
All in all, I like two out of the three changes the NFL is proposing. It doesn’t make sense to have half of the league in the playoffs, as the talent drops off so significantly with those later seeds that I’m sure even fan bases would rather have their season be over than to drag out the inevitable for another week. Only two no. 6 seeds have ever won the Super Bowl, so it’s not like by adding in a no. 7 seed they’re denying too many other “teams of destiny”. But, as I said earlier…more football is better than less football, and six wild card games the first weekend of the playoffs would be absolutely electric. I remain conflicted as ever.
If Jerry Jones has any self respect, Jason Garrett should have just coached his last game for the Dallas Cowboys.After Jones finishes his now tainted Thanksgiving meal, thanks to a demoralizing home loss to the Bills; he should give his pal Jason a call.
Although Dallas is now 6-6, (Not the worst record I’ve seen) Garrett has yet to coach this very talented football team to any meaningful wins. They should be cruising in one of the weakest divisions in football, however, week after week they have been an embarrassment on national television.
The Cowboys haven't won the big game this year … they are 0-4 against teams that entered the game with a winning record, and 6-1 in all other games.
The only other teams 0-4 or worse against winning teams this year … the Broncos, Bengals, Redskins and Cardinals. pic.twitter.com/r6qjJc1nwB
America’s team needs new blood, a team with this good of a roster should be at the top of the league. But with Garrett at the helm, his ship is sinking and fast.
Garrett has been able to fly under the radar for sometime now, but now in the face of adversity, his true colors have become apparent.
In this new, statistical overhaul of the sports world, Garrett lacks the ability to adapt. He publicly admitted that he does not use statistical analysis in-game to make decisions, and clearly it shows. The Ravens on the other hand, make it a point to utilize statistical analysis in-game to alter both game-plan and decision making. Lamar Jackson, while absolutely electric, isn’t the only reason this team has punted twice in the last 3 games.
Jerry if you’re reading, it’s not too late! Garrett needs to go, this is new school football, and you need a numbers guy. Otherwise, this team will continue to underperform, and lose their grasp on the NFC East.
As much as I’m all for old school smash mouth football, in order to succeed in this league, you need to take advantage of these nuanced numbers guys, regardless whether or not they have ever coached or played. They might not be able to throw a spiral, or even catch a football, but damn these nerds know their shit.